Friday, January 29, 2010

Inhale, Exhale.

I'm going to stop praying for things....I think God has a sense of humor about my prayers. I'm not like most people who have to pray a long time for things. I ask for patience, He goes "you want patience? All 3 kids are going to pitch fits all day long, and want your undivided attention all at the same time...with runny noses". I ask for freedom from financial worries and say I want to let go of my anxiety about money, He's like "you want to trust me more? let's see how you do when you have LESS money". *sigh* Not allowing this to get to me. I know He is in control. I know that as long as I trust Him, He will provide....

Just gotta breathe.

{ps, we're supposed to be having a Love and Respect Seminar at church tonight (as long as this dumb snow holds off). I'm really looking forward to it, and hope it doesn't get cancelled. I bought the book, and just by the 3rd chapter, I've already seen alot in my own relationship that needs work. I'll most definitely be posting about those as I go along. Can't wait to read more!}

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Reconditioning My Reflexes...

"While Jesus calls us to be rovolutionaries, Satan wants to turn us into reactionaries. He wants to condition our reflexes with guilt and fear. Jesus came to recondition our reflexes."
(Mark Batterson- Chase the Lion)

Lot's going on in my head, and in my heart. Had a...stretching week, let's say. Our young adult small group has started a study called "Chase the Lion" on Sunday nights, and can I just say WOW. God is showing Himself to me in a major way, and I know that He's doing amazing things in other's lives as well. I didn't realize just how much this past week's study had affected me until Sunday night when we were discussing it during class...

There are so many places in my life I've become complacent in. I hate that. I've been lax in my quiet times, in my Bible study, even in my prayer life...not going out of my way to be sinful, but allowing the enemy enough of a foothold in my life to make me ineffective in any form of ministry. Even in music, which I have always loved and used as a form of worship and way to give back to the One who has given me everything, it has become more of a "blah" thing I do from time to time...what IS that?!

So I've made some resolutions and I've set my mind and heart on them. I decided I needed to do two things. 1, write them down and keep them in my purse so I'll always have them close. 2, told some of them to other people so that I remain accountable for them. I always get into some kind of kick and say "I'm going to do better" and get fired up and let it dwindle....not this time. I want this too bad. I need this too bad. Not just for me but for the lives of those I'm supposed to touch.
So here are a few (I'd give you all, but some of them are personal, and really need to stay that way.)
~Start daily quiet/prayer times at 5 am.
~Stay in "Prayer Mode"
~Tithe regularly
~Read more "spiritual" books
~Call/Visit my grandparents more
~Become more involved in church
~Be cleaner (Tyler will applaud this one, haha)

So that's what's going on in that area of my life...many changes, but I know for the better.

And now for something completely different...
*It's getting close to birthday season...JP turns 3 in April, Ethan will be 1 in June, and Allie will be 2 in July...they're back to back to around the end of February, I'll be starting planning, purchasing, etc...bring on the chaos!
*I've been borderline obsessed with keeping informed about the Earthquake in Haiti. There's a missionary blog that I've been using to stay updated ( ) and seeing all the amazing things that are being done there, by ordinary people to save lives of the Haitian people, blows my mind. Try looking at this country and all that is being done, and the miracles walking out daily, and try to tell me my God isn't in control, and doesn't still work miracles on a day to day basis. I'm continuing to keep them close in my prayers, because I know there is not a quick end to this in sight. {Kenbe Fem, Haiti}
*A lady I worked with (and her ex-husband) were murdered over the weekend. It's hard to believe that someone who was so close to me was killed, and hard to believe that I will never be able to see her again. I was never able to have a conversation about faith with her, so I don't know if she was a christian, but I pray that she was. I pray for her family.She left behind a daughter and a son with two grandchildren...her other son just passed away last week, and losing a brother and both parents within a week is unfathomable to me. So sad...

I believe that's all I've got for right now...breathing a little easier knowing I've put all my thoughts down. :)

Now glory be to God! By his mighty power at work within us, he is able to accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare to ask or hope.
Ephesians 4:20

Thursday, January 14, 2010

New Beginnings

It seems to me that if you or I must choose between two courses of thought or action, we should remember our dying and try so to live that our death brings no pleasure on the world.
-John Steinbeck

There have been so many things going on the last few days. Much happiness, saddness, excitement, and a wide array of other emotions that I can only describe as what comes with a new year.

My grandfather passed away a week ago today. It was a sad, yet happy time. He had been diagnosed with a rapid moving form of cancer about a month before and it is what brought him home to Jesus arms. It was hard because he was suffering a lot in the final days, so knowing he is in his Savior's presence with no pain or suffering is a comfort.

Mr. Dagenhardt and I celebrated three years of chaos on the 31st of December by heading to Asheville for a few days. We had a wonderful (childfree!!) weekend and got to focus just on us for a little while. I realize daily how blessed I am to be with such a wonderful man who loves the Lord, our children and me. I couldn't ask for more.

I think that's about all I've got for now. Still praying for the people of Haiti. I really wish I spoke the language (I think it's Creole in that area) or had some medical experience or something so that I could be of some help. For now I'll just stick to lifting them up in prayer to my heavenly Daddy, knowing that He is in control, and hopefully returning VERY soon!
